
The ideal landing page

Many companies use a landing page. But what exactly is a landing page and how can it help me with my business?

The discussion about web design in companies that don't know the power of landing pages is still often focused on the homepage. But savvy companies that build traffic effectively know that many visitors reach the website via other landing pages. This includes both standard page templates, such as category or product pages, and custom landing pages, which are designed to maximize lead conversion when using “attraction” marketing techniques such as SEO (search engine optimization), Google Ads and social media are used to bring visitors to a website. Whether you use standard page templates or specialized landing pages depends on your industry.

It is impractical for retailers or travel companies to create custom landing pages for every category and product. However, business-to-business services and software service companies (software-as-a-service) still frequently use such sites to maximize conversion. In other industries, such as financial services, it can be a combination with a few specialized, customized landing pages. In this article, we'll focus on this form of custom landing pages with a focus on B2B examples.

This raises the question: Which factors make up the most effective custom landing page? Is a “perfect landing page” possible?

This post gives you initial information about landing pages.

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Before we look at the best practices in detail, let's look at the definition of landing pages. Not everyone is familiar with this term and there is actually no generally valid answer. My personal definition of a landing page is: “Specific page (s) on a website that are created for visitors who come from marketing campaigns and are designed to achieve a marketing result.” Anything called a landing page is aimed at maximizing the conversion of visitors to a page or series of pages towards a sale. Often, this is a user action, typically data collection, in which a visitor to the website fills out an online form to generate a marketing lead.


Effective landing pages are ones that achieve their goals, so let's start with typical goals. It is often assumed that response is everything — so goals aren't thought through, but that can result in data collection pages that are too easy. Typical communication goals, in order of importance, are: Reaching a registration in order to typically generate a lead that ultimately leads to sales. Profiling and qualifying site visitors to deliver more relevant follow-up communication. Explain the value of your company's offer to differentiate yourself from other websites that the visitor visits during the buying process, i.e. answering the visitor's questions... etc.


If the visitor does not want to reveal their data immediately, enter contact details for traditional sales channels, such as a telephone number. Give visitors reasons to return to the page, or engage them with other relevant content or offers. It's important to go through these goals because sometimes it's just the two primary goals related to data collection that primarily determine the landing page design and not the secondary goals, which are just as important. The majority of landing page visitors won't switch, so it's important to offer them a positive experience too and, if possible, save them in tracking lists. There is interesting helpful literature about creating a landing page. Florian Schöl, one of the most successful website and online shop optimizers in German-speaking countries, has a template available that allows you to successfully recreate a landing page on your own. It describes the perfect sales page layout for explosive results. If you are looking for partners in your landing page due to lack of time and commitment, you are welcome to contact me.

verkaufsstarke Landingpages

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