
7 reasons to redesign your website

7 common reasons why redesigning a website makes sense and is necessary for business purposes.

For many entrepreneurs, tradesmen and self-employed people, today a good Internet presence is absolute duty. Most customers find out more on the Internet before making initial contact or purchase and compare different companies and their websites. The decisive factor is how the entrepreneur and his business present himself on the Internet and whether the website also creates trust and conveys a professional image. Companies with bad websites are quickly removed from the search and are already out of the running before it has really started. Unfortunately, many website owners do not understand or do not recognize that the time has come to invest in a new website. In this article, you'll find 7 common reasonsWhen a redesign usefully and Entrepreneurially necessary is.

Over 70% of Germans use the Internet to find out about products and services in advance before choosing a provider.

Conversely, if a company does not have a website, this means that many potential customers are not even aware of the company and that the company is not taken into account in the decision-making process. If the website is outdated, unmaintained or not attractively designed, this is usually even worse than not having a website at all. A bad website scares off potential customers and puts the company in a bad light. Which company would like to be “outdated”, “unprofessional” or “unkempt” the first time they contact interested parties? But this is exactly the impression that backward and unmaintained websites leave on new prospects.

In this blog, you will find decisive aspects that speak for a redesign of the website. If one or more of these points also apply to your website, you should think about creating a new website or having it created by a professional.

Reason 1: Bad or outdated design with lagging content

First impressions count. The most common reason for revising the website is an outdated or backward design. The Internet in particular is developing ever faster and the best practices in web design have changed significantly in recent years. What was ultra-modern and recommended 7-8 years ago is now ancient and anything but recommended. But that is design one of most important factors for the success of a website.

In addition to the design, the Up-to-dateness of content essential. Contact details, expertise, opening hours, range of services, etc. must always be up to date to prevent misunderstandings. The website should always be an image of the current company, not of the company as it looked 5 years ago. Legally compliant texts for imprint, data protection, cookies, etc. are also an important part so that they always comply with the currently valid guidelines and do not provide an expensive warning.

If you're still unsure whether your website can still keep up with current standards and the websites of your competition, it's best to take a closer look at the websites of the most well-known and successful providers in your industry, especially those that are at the top of Google's search results.

Reason 2: High load times

The competitor is just a “click” away. No matter what the reason for a long charging time is, it is never an advantage. Website visitors don't take time anymoreto wait a long time before a website can finally be used. If the loading time is longer than 3 seconds, around 75% of users usually drop out and search for the desired content on another website. Loading time also plays an important role in Google rankings and thus directly influences success. Due to high loading times, visitors jump off the website, which in turn sends negative user signals to Google.

Therefore, pay attention to Loading times that are as short as possible. For example, by caching (caching) and optimizing images and using clean website code, you can already significantly improve the loading time of the website. For older websites, it is definitely advisable to revise the website from the ground up as part of optimization.

Reason 3: Not optimized for mobile devices

Smartphones are omnipresent and an integral part of our everyday lives. It is therefore hardly surprising that so many people surf the Internet with their mobile phones. More and more searches are carried out via mobile devices. It is therefore important that every website should always adapt perfectly to the different screen sizes of mobile devices.

If it is difficult for visitors to move around the website or if the content is displayed incorrectly on the smartphone, you lose many potential customers and send a bad user signal to Google. This also worsens the website's ranking. The same applies here: With an existing, very old website, it usually makes more sense to revise everything from scratch. Screwing around in individual parts of an ancient website is usually of little use and yet is complex.

If you want to check whether your website is primarily designed for mobile devices, you can use this free tool from Google: Google Search Console

Die 7 Gründe für die Neugestaltung deiner Website. Vorteile und Nutzen einer modernen Website.

Reason 4: Bad conversion rate

As conversion rate This is the relationship between visitors to the website and transactions. A deal is the desired goal to be achieved with the website (e.g. buying a product, getting in touch, subscribing to the newsletter). Example: If 8 out of 100 visitors to an online shop buy a product, the conversion rate is 8%.

Having a website as an entrepreneur is right, but of course it should also bring maximum benefit to the company. It is therefore important that the website is optimized in terms of conversion. Even thousands of website visitors are of little use to the company if the conversion is grossly poor. Conversion is influenced by many factors and does not always depend directly on the website itself. The conversion rate is primarily related to the following points:

• Charging time

• Brand strength

• Ease of use

• Safety

• Design

• Content of the website

• Optimization for smartphones

The factors that can be improved by an appealing and optimized website should definitely be implemented. If as many visitors as possible achieve the desired website goal, this usually also has very positive effects on the Company turnover.

Reason 5: Poor user experience and usability

If visitors can't find their way around your website and are not convinced in the first few seconds, they leave the website again and are highly likely not to come back. Users should find the information they are looking for on the website as easily as possible, quickly understand the added value of your offer and be prompted to take the desired action.

Usability also has a big impact on conversion, of course. Don't put any obstacles in the way of the visitor so that the desired action can be carried out easily. This is primarily achieved by a clear structure, familiar design, easy operation and compelling content guaranteed. If you doubt any of these points regarding your homepage, a redesign or redesign should definitely be considered.

Reason 6: Outdated web technology

Websites that have not been updated for many years no longer comply with the current state of the art. Many websites today are based on a modern content management system (CMS). As a result, the content can be managed independently and expanded as required. You no longer need help from a programmer to add new content, saving yourself unnecessary costs. Do you have no opportunity, desire or time to edit content yourself and need the help of a programmer for every little thing? Then you should think about a new website with a modern CMS.

A lot has also happened in the area of security in recent years. Since 2018, for websites that collect personal data, it has been mandatory to have a SSL encryption to own. As a result, communication with the server is encrypted and the data is secure from access by third parties. Many websites with contact forms, newsletter subscriptions or similar functions where personal data is collected do not yet have SSL encryption and therefore risk an expensive warning.

Reason 7: No analytics or monitoring

In order to continuously optimize the website, it should definitely be monitored regularly in order to data-driven optimization potential for the target group or website visitors to recognize from this. For example, if you know which content is particularly relevant, where visitors are coming from and where any jumps occur, you can target content based on this and provide visitors with even more relevant content.

Important questions that can be answered with the help of good website analysis tools include:

• How do visitors get to my site?

• For which keywords does the website rank well in search results?

• Which subpage do visitors find particularly interesting?

• Is the content of my website also read or viewed, or do visitors leave the website immediately?

• How many visitors are on my site per month?

By continuously monitoring the website, you can learn a lot about the target group. Without an opportunity to analyze, you remain in the dark and have no idea whether your website is even well received by the target group. If your website is unable to integrate common analysis tools in a simple way, the website should definitely be renewed.

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