
SEO tools for better ranking on Google

Generate more reach, more interaction and thus more customers and transactions in the long term with SEO marketing.

When setting up a new company, in particular a self-employed, craft business, small business or microenterprise, creating the company website is at the top of the “to-do” list. This often comes before the actual marketing strategy, especially when an eager entrepreneur sets up his company alone or with a small team and gets started right away - ready to act and get money into the bank as quickly as possible. But what most business owners find out the hard way is that building a great website is one thing — but getting someone to find it, stay on it, and engage with it is an entirely different task. And that's where SEO comes in as search engine optimization.


Think of your brand-new website like a car: You can drive the prettiest vehicle out of the showroom, complete with an oversized bow and a bottle of champagne. But if you don't refuel, change the oil, check the tire pressure, fill up the water level and bring the car to regular maintenance, it won't drive long and won't keep its value. I can add this fuel to your website by optimizing keywords (= keywords) and other important SEO features, which causes the website to move higher and higher in Google search. This is not done by magic — it is made possible by the targeted use of keywords, interesting content and backlinks so that your website is at the top of search results. In order to achieve optimal SEO ranking results for new or existing websites, certain things must be known in order to prepare for the start. And that is exactly what this blog is about.

Blog SEO Tools für besseres Ranking bei Google. Was alles dazu notwendig ist und was es dir bringt


Since Google has switched its focus to “mobile-first,” it is important that websites are also optimized for mobile-first (i.e. the website must load quickly and be displayed correctly on various types of smartphones). Since websites are usually not created with a mobile device, mobile errors are often not noticeable and/or mobile optimization is overlooked. Pages that aren't mobile-friendly have dropped 21% in search engine rankings. Is your website mobile-optimized? Feel free to find out and use Google's free mobile-friendly test to see how your website is doing.


Search engines reward current and valuable content for users. In order for a website to remain relevant in search results, there must be useful, appealing content for your target group that is regularly updated and/or supplemented. There are two main reasons for this: First, so that Google's search patterns do not regard the website as idle and read it regularly (= Crawl) overlooked. Second, it's important to provide relevant content that is useful to customers so they keep coming back to the site. Companies that blog get 55% more visitors to their website on average. Blogging is also a very popular way to create engaging content around the topic of the company and is an important human skill. A monthly change of one or two sentences in the text of the website is enough to alert Google's search patterns to the need for a new readout. Content optimization is an ongoing task, which is why I constantly create new content or revise the existing one with the appropriate keywords.


Google dominates when it comes to using search engines and is responsible for over 70% of all global search traffic. In the USA, Google holds a whopping 94% of the mobile search engine market share. Conclusion: If you want to win at search engine optimization, you have to play with Google, and that means that you must ensure that your website always covers Google's most important ranking factors well. Among the more than 200 ranking factors used by the Google search engine, usability and technical SEO are currently the decisive factors.

93% of global traffic comes from Google Search, Google Images, and Google Maps. Coming back to the analogy with the car, if one of these key ranking factors is a flat tire, I'll have a hard time speeding up your car. But that too can be managed. In addition to important keywords, I ensure that backlinks, metadata, SERP snippets, semantic search, entity search, and other important Google search factors are always optimized. I also analyze all clients' websites for technical SEO factors, such as page load speed, website security and accessibility, actual business information on the website, and overall usability. These are all important factors that determine the level of usability of a website.

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