
10 SEO tips for your website

10 SEO tips to improve Google rankings. Simple and easy-to-implement steps for a better ranking on Google.

I am asked again and again: What can I do myself on my website if I want to improve the Google ranking? There is a whole lot that anyone can implement for SEO optimization themselves. Here, we limit ourselves to optimizing on-page SEO, i.e. on our own website. I have a separate blog article about optimizing offpage SEO with link building. I wish you lots of new insights as you read.

The 10 SEO tips to get you started quickly

1. Write high-quality texts with added value for the reader

High-quality texts are the most important factor for placement in Google. This is especially true if you create SEO texts specifically for your online marketing. Make sure that the lyrics error-free and easy to read are. Also watch the content on a mobile device so that it looks optimal there. Integrate valuable and functional links to other internal and external pages that offer users added value when reading.

2. Increase the user experience on your website

The longer visitors stay on your website and the more pages they view, the better Google evaluates your website. These factors are considered to be most influential ranking factors at all. You should therefore tailor the content to the needs of your users. The more valuable the information is, the better your website performs against other competitors. Also consider which elements you could use to further enrich the user experience. Blog articles, infographics and free explanatory videos are very suitable here.

3. Set 1 keyword per page

Each website should only be optimized for 1 keyword (key term). This can also be a combination of two to three words that are frequently searched for. To find out which keywords are optimal here, you can carry out an SEO analysis of the words in question. Tools such as Google Trends are helpful here.

It is less helpful to optimize a website for several good keywords. The only exception is terms that are thematically very close to each other, as Google also masters semantic search. Basically, it is important that you use the keyword in different variants in the text.

4. Place the keyword in the right places

After you've determined the optimal keyword for a page, it's time to place it in the right places. Ideally, all or part of the keyword appears in the URL of your website. If you don't have any meaningful URLs yet, this is an important ToDo. The keyword should also appear in the page title of the website.

Die Meta description (Meta description) is the third place the keyword belongs to. It usually consists of two complete sentences. Google usually uses the meta description to view the search engine's results list.

This leaves the actual content to improve the Google ranking. Here, it is ideal to have the keyword appear both in the headlines and in the text.

Important: readability and usability must not suffer. The entire text should be easy to read and not appear like an innumerable accumulation of a particular word or sequence of words. If your keyword is included in the text, once in a headline, once at the beginning and end of the text, and two to three times in between, it's ideal.

5. Answer your customer's questions

You've probably noticed in the Google results list that there is a block with the heading:”Related searches”. Hidden here is a great opportunity for you to improve the Google ranking for your keyword. It doesn't have to be on the list at all, but can also be listed here in the questions.

Many users use Google's voice search on mobile devices in particular. Questions are very popular though. How does... work? How does that work...? Since when has there been...? Where is...?

Make sure these searches find your site by integrating the terms relevant to voice search into your site's content. You can also headings formulate as questions. And make sure that the following sentences are recognizable as easy-to-read answers.

When things go perfectly well, Google will display your answer to the question in “position zero.” This means a special answer field above search result No. 1. This not only has very good traffic, but also has a positive impact on your company's web authority.

SEO für Websites um Ranking in Google zu verbessern

6. Update website content regularly

For a consistently good Google ranking, you should also update the content regularly. If things go well, you'll improve the ranking. Basically, Google doesn't like outdated content. Regular updates are therefore rated very positively. Especially when you have many pages, is a update schedule helpful. It reminds you to check the page on a fixed basis (e.g. every six months). If necessary, you can then make updates or add current links. At this opportunity, you should definitely check whether all external links It still works flawlessly with other websites. Links to the void are rated negatively by Google as they are a disadvantage for the user.

7. Focus on your most important side

For your most important keywords, you can use a content clusters form. This means that you optimize a central page for this keyword and cover additional sub-topics with additional pages. Each of these other pages receives a link to the main page. Google understands that this is the most important page on this topic and ranks it higher accordingly.

A good way to build a content cluster is to use a blog. As part of your search engine optimization, you write valuable contributions about your most important keywords from time to time. This is how your content reliably ranks better and better in Google.

8. Set links with helpful text

Always use descriptive links. “Click here” does not contain any added value for the user. Your internal links (and even more so for external ones) should include your keywords. Google then knows that the landing page is the right one for this keyword. You'll also help people with disabilities or screen readers use your website.

9. Use alt tags

Every image and video should have an alt tag. Google can read out headlines and texts, but images and videos require a description using alt tags. The Google crawler reads the source code. When you offer Google an alt tag for an image or video, Google knows what it is. On the one hand, this can result in this image ranking well for your desired keyword. And in addition, you have once again perfectly placed it on your site. Here, too, you are helping people with disabilities get along with your website.

10. Improve your site speed

Google loves fast pages. And your users like that too. You can see how fast your website is currently for free with the help of PageSpeed Insights find out. You will also find out right away where the biggest construction sites are. It is also worthwhile to look at individual sub-pages. In some cases, the result may differ significantly from the homepage.

There is also a lot of potential in optimizing website images. Use a compression toolWhen your CMS (content management system) your website provider is not able to downsize files by itself. This allows you to speed up the loading time of your website even more.


If you want to improve your Google ranking, you have a whole range of measures in your own hands. You don't need a website programmer for the above mentioned optimizations. If you have the feeling that the results could be even better or that your capacity is not sufficient for these SEO measures, I will be happy to assist you.

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